What you find when travelling from one of our locations to the other.
Category Archives: On Campus
The Best of Both Worlds
Is it a good idea to visit both locations of Academia Tica?
El Sabor: Taste a la Tica
“El Sabor, el Sabor!” – This friendly shout fills Academia Tica’s patio every school day at noon, when hungry students flock towards the sound of Caribbean music and the wide smile of Don George. He emerges from a van and opens the side door to reveal baskets and coolers brimming with treats, which hungry students have been yearning for throughout the …
Where to begin? Advice for starting your studies…
A few of Academia Tica’s most experienced instructors offered advice on how to begin the rewarding process of learning Spanish. With 65 years of teaching experience between them, we thought it worthwhile to share these kernels of wisdom with the world. Enjoy! “The number one must for new students is simply wanting to study. Step two …
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Graduación y despedida de Hiroshi
El pasado viernes, luego de 6 meses y 750 clases en Academia Tica, nuestro querido estudiante Hiroshi recibió su diploma terminando así su estadía con nosotros. Hiroshi realizó una presentación muy emotiva con la que se despidió del cuerpo académico y administrativo de nuestra escuela, así como de sus otros compañeros que también terminaron lecciones …