A few of Academia Tica’s most experienced instructors offered advice on how to begin the rewarding process of learning Spanish. With 65 years of teaching experience between them, we thought it worthwhile to share these kernels of wisdom with the world. Enjoy!
“The number one must for new students is simply wanting to study. Step two is actually studying, then studying, studying and studying some more. Finally, don’t just practice in the classroom, practice anytime you can with whomever you can, at the supermarket, with friends, colleagues or your host family.” -Elizabeth Gamboa
“If you want to learn you have to have an open mind, be willing to be surprised and not rationalize everything according to what you are already know. Really open your mind and admire what you are learning. Feel the language, feel the rhythm and let it flow.” – Santiago González
“It is very important to practice after class. You don’t even need another person to do this. Use a mirror and talk to yourself if you need to. Practice the structure and the grammar. It is not enough to only practice in class because you will forget things.” – Mireya Mora