Organic Farm Volunteering in Costa RIca
“La Esperanza” is an integrated organic farm that produces vegetables, eggs, cow and goat milk, cheese, pork meat and high-quality compost for sale in the national market. Many institutions and experts visit the farm to learn about the processes that are implemented in the farm, always in constant innovation. This farm is owned and managed by Anselmo Rodríguez, a farmer that started producing organic products in 1992. His wife and daughter also work with him.
Anselmo’s farm is truly a model for farmers all over the world and he is the first 100% organic farmer from Costa Rica. He wastes almost nothing (his motto is “sell more, buy less”) and his produce is high quality. He has been awarded farmer of the year in Costa Rica and is recognized for his role as an example for farming in the future.
The farm property includes a river along which there is a trail that is used for educational purposes.
Some activities the volunteer will perform are: milking, harvesting, stable cleaning, working on the trail, seed planting, gardening, animal feeding and nursing, tree planting, tool or machinery maintenance.
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